Paris-based Le Penhuel & Associés architectes have acquired great expertise in the construction of school buildings over nearly 30 years, having made their name ...
The name Montessori is widely and inextricably associated with an entirely child-centered and careful pedagogy and education of children. Maria Montessori (1870-1952) was an ...
'DOMa' revisits the architectural process in an informed and elaborate manner, to understand and criticise it from within while ensuring the creative process is ...
This issue is the fourth of five titles from the 'Long Book' series featuring designs by the Brandenberger Kloter Architects. Inviting readers to engage ...
20 OBRAS EN SUIZA Y BERLIN; : Apartamentos Broëlberg, Kilchberg; Viviendas aterrazadas, Meilen; Casa Triángulo, Winterthur; Centro para la Audición y el Lenguaje, Zúrich; ...
L'ingresso di ogni scuola è un luogo ad altissimo potenziale: in questo libro Paolo Pileri, Cristina Renzoni e Paola Savoldi lo chiamano "piazza scolastica" ...
Hasta ahora, Emil Jauch (1911-1962) ha sido un protagonista poco conocido de la arquitectura suiza de posguerra. Moldeados por la modernidad escandinava de la ...
Este libro ofrece una mirada poliédrica sobre el aula como entorno físico de aprendizaje durante la etapa infantil, así como una reflexión sobre la ...
A special profile of two projects by Dublin-based Grafton Architects is foremost in this instalment, with a detailed look at the Toulouse School of ...
KINDERGARTEN & SCHOOL PLANS contiene más de 140 planos de plantas, secciones, bocetos y alzados, así como todos los detalles constructivos de un total ...
The school is developing into a full-time model in many countries, with homework help, a cafeteria and recreational activities. Pioneering pedagogical methods of instruction ...
In this issue, 'Urban Learning Typologies' highlights new pedagogical approaches that are altering the architectural composition of school design. Small group settings, studios, and ...