Como Comprar

How to Make a Purchase

To find the article you are interested in, use our search engine, which is on the left of the page by the orange magnifying glass. Place the cursor over the word “search...” and enter a word from the title you are looking for. If you don’t find it, click on “books” or “advanced search”, to make a more detailed search. In either of these cases, a list of books will appear. Select the one that you are looking for by simply clicking on the title. When you are on the book page, click on the "Buy” button at the bottom. A pop-up will appear on the right listing the articles you have added to your shopping cart. Don’t worry about the number of copies; you will be able to change that later.
Continue to add books to your cart using the same process.
When you want to send in your order, all you need to do is to click on  "send in order" or "see purchase". Here you will be able to change the number of copies, or remove articles that you chose earlier. Remember to click on the "Change" so that your changes are saved.
Fill in the  form that is displayed below.
If this is the first time you are making a purchase, or you have not yet registered, click on the  “continue” button at the bottom of the “New customers and guests” section.
If you have already shopped with us before and are registered, to start shopping again, all you need to do is to enter your e-mail address and password in the “Customers with a password” section.
If you are a “New customer or guest” you must fill in the following information:
First, your personal details (required, so that we can contact you when necessary). Enter your e-mail address, first name and family name(s) and a contact phone number.

After clicking on “continue”, you will need to fill in the address to which the order will be sent.
If you need an invoice: When the delivery address is the same as the billing address, you only need to fill in the appropriate box with your personal or company tax ID number.
If the delivery address is different from the billing address, you need to enter the delivery address on the new form that will be displayed when you click on “send” (after checking the option “no” on the right hand side).
If you know that you have made a mistake, you can always correct it and change the information later. So... let’s continue!!!
Next, you can choose the method of payment: VISA, cash on delivery or bank transfer. If you choose VISA, you will be asked to fill in the card number, the name on the card, the expiry date and the security code (the three digits on the back of the card).
For shipments within Spain, the charge for cash on delivery is 2.00 euros more than for purchases made with a VISA card or bank transfer. 
For shipments outside Spain, only payment with a VISA card is permitted. All VISA transactions made through us are completely secure. Also, for orders to a foreign country, when the purchase is made using VISA, the card is not charged until the customer approves the delivery charge, which we will provide immediately. 
To complete the purchase, click on “continue”

You will again be offered the possibility of registering to make your future purchases easier, and in the last box on the form you can add a comment (such as the time of day when you prefer the delivery to be made; the title of a book that you could not find on the site, with all the information that you know about it; instructions for finding the place of delivery; whether you want your order gift-wrapped, etc.).
Finally, all you need to do is click on  “Send in order” after reviewing the information and checking that everything is correct.

Remember, until you press the "send in order" button, your order will not be completed, so that you can always decide not to make the purchase or change some information before it is sent without making any commitment.
Automatically, to guarantee that your order was received, a window will open with “Thank you for your purchase”. We will also send you a confirmation e-mail. Remember that if there is an error, you can always contact us at

Customer registration
If this is the first time that you are shopping with us, you can register by assigning a password. Remember that by registering you will not need to fill out all your delivery details from previous orders (unless these have changed or you want to alter some information) and you will be able to see the status of your orders and order history.
You can register before you place the order, or at the end of the purchase process, and, as you will have noticed, if you are a habitual customer, this speeds up the processing when you make future on-line purchases from our site.

Contact us if you have any questions:
For any questions regarding orders made through the website, you can contact us at the following address:
NAOS Libros S.L. Tax ID Code: B 78602588
VAT: ESB78602588
C/Quintana, 12
28008 Madrid, España
Phone numbers: (+34) 91 559 5292 (+34) 91 547 3916
Fax: (+34) 91 559 5292
Mobile phone: (+34) 628 649 273
Opening times:
Monday to Friday: 10 a.m to 2 p.m and 5 p.m to 8 p.m.
Saturdays: 10:30 a.m. to 2 p.m.

A continuación podrás escoger la forma de pago: VISA, Contrarreembolso o Transferencia. Si lo haces con VISA, se te pedirá que especifiques: el número de la tarjeta, el nombre insertado en la misma, la fecha de caducidad y los tres últimos dígitos del reverso (código de seguridad).