For more than half a century, Erwin Panofsky's Perspective as Symbolic Form has dominated studies of visual representation. Despite the hegemony of central projection, ...
This new edition profiles over sixty of the world's most incredible engineered structures, built in the last 100 years. "Great Modern Structures" is an ...
This guide describes the buildings created for the London 2012 Games, including both permanent and temporary structures built for the Olympic Park and venues ...
In ad 79, the volcano Vesuvius erupted, burying the cities of Pompeii and Herculaneum under ash and rock, and leaving them remarkably well preserved ...
Water is the scarcest of all natural resources. It is a global challenge to develop, produce and deploy technologies, systems and products for sustainable ...
David Stark is one of New Yorks most creative and sought-after event designers. This book explores forty of Starks elaborate yet eco-friendly events'corporate, non-profit, ...
L'exposition coloniale internationale de 1931, à Paris, promettait à ses visiteurs alléchés "le tour du monde en un jour" et elle tenait cette promesse, ...
Contains art ideas that can captivate budding artists. With step-by-step instructions that aspiring artists can follow easily, this title features fifty art ideas including ...
Conjunto Residencial en la Vaquería Carme de Abaixo Victor López Cotelo Conjunto Residencial en Puente Sarela Victor López Cotelo Conjunto Residencial en Caramoñina Victor ...
Ingo Maurer designed his first light fixture for an installation at the Herman Miller showroom in Munich, Germany. His creation was entitled "Bulb" and ...
El jardín minimalista introduce la filosofía del minimalismo relacionada con la arquitectura, el interiorismo y el estilo de vida contemporáneo. La primera parte del ...
Este libro pretende cumplir varias funciones. Primeramente, ser un instrumento de información para todas las personas a las que -conozcan o no el parque ...
La obra enfoca su contenido a partir del planeamiento y construcción del principal monumento madrileño, la plaza Mayor, apoyándose para ello en un detallado ...
Comme Claude Monet, le peintre Majorelle fut l'un des plus importants collectionneurs de végétaux de son époque et son jardin, abondant de toutes formes ...
Since TEN Arquitectos was first published in 1998, the firm founded by Enrique Norten has soared to a position of international renown. In addition ...