En el contexto del desarrollismo franquista, un enorme número de viviendas fueron erigidas en las periferias de las principales ciudades de nuestro país. Densos ...
Focusing on the practice of two leading architectural photographers, Rory Gardiner from Australia and Maxime Delvaux from Belgium, this book explores their output and ...
The University Seminar House, selected by "DOCOMOMO Japan" as an important work of modernist architecture, allows the architect Takamasa Yoshizaka's activity theory, "discontinuous unity," ...
About the publication Yuko Saito Experimental residence - Yoshizaka's own residence Photography Eiji Kitada Ura residence Shukugawa house Takamasa Yoshizaka Villa Coucou concrete house ...
Completed in 1966 under the design of Kikutake Kiyonori, Miyakonojo Civic Hall is considered one of the masterpieces of Metabolist architecture. After it closed ...
Le Corbusier designed a floating shelter called Asile Flottant at the request of the Salvation Army. The boat, which realized the ideal interior space ...
The Modern Movement series introduces many important modernist buildings that influenced modern Japanese architecture through photographs and drawings. This is the fifth volume by ...
The "Modern Movement" series introduces many important modernist buildings that influenced modern Japanese architecture through photographs and drawings. This is the sixth installment by ...
Iwan Baan es considerado uno de los fotógrafos más destacados del mundo de la arquitectura y la construcción. Con sus impresionantes imágenes documenta el ...
Over the past three decades, Vincent Van Duysen has become an important force in design through his expressive architecture and serene interiors. This book ...
Este volumen reúne obras de referencia de arquitectura moderna y contemporánea que el ojo del arquitecto ha capturado a través de su cámara, seleccionando ...
Este recorrido fotográfico y literario por las tiendas de cincuenta provincias españolas recupera los lenguajes de la arquitectura popular en los rótulos y fachadas ...
Nuestro pasado reciente, complejo, ha estado marcado por las repercusiones de la pandemia (cerrazón, aislamiento, distancia, inmovilidad), claramente influyentes en nuestra actividad, que pide ...
The Order of Landscape presents a powerful insight into the work of a forefront figure in contemporary landscape architecture, João Gomes da Silva. Through ...