Antes de empezar a hacer conarquitectura 81, nos paramos para pensar quince minutos. Creemos que esta revista es una aventura editorial ligada al interés ...
Biblioteca en Huster Points Ampliacion del Kennedy Center Ampliacion del Museo de Bellas Artes de Houston Casas Arturo Franco Proyectos en marcha en Madrid. ...
A Q Methodological study of ten care environments in Japan and the European countries of Finland, Sweden, The UK, France and Austria. Evaluating the ...
VIVIENDA PARA MAYORES De España a Japón, vivir mucho Dossier: Bambú Actualidad 'Future is Now': Foster en Madrid Rubens Henríquez, in memóriam Premio Mies ...
The built environment and public health have a close history of association: from the earliest considerations by Hippocrates of the role of place for ...
As people sixty-five and older constitute an ever increasingly proportion of population in most industrialized nations, the design of housing and other built provisions ...
1 Centro deportivo y cultural 'Niara', Valladolid Javier López de Uribe y Laya, Fernando Zaparaín Hernández, Fermín Antuña Antuña y Eduardo García García 2 ...
Citizens in retirement age are becoming an ever greater but also more active part of society. Along with this demographic and socio-cultural shift a ...
Anális del edificio, a través de los propios croquis del arquitecto donde se desvelan sus intenciones, desde la proximidad de un edificio escolar anterior ...
1 Centro de Salud Villalegre. Avilés, Asturias Andrés Diego Llaca y Alejandro Glez. Vigil de la Villa 2 Centro de Mayores CMAPM / Cabanyal-Canyamelar, ...
Projects included are works by Aires Mateus, Manuel Ocana Architecture and Thought Production Office, Andrés Jaque+Enrique Krahe+ Miguel de Guzmán, Jorge Mealha, Christian Pottgiesser ...
Una nuova edizione del presente volume è stata necessaria per allineare gli esercizi alle nuove versioni del software. Rimane invariato invece il metodo e ...