This newly curated collection by some of the world's finest architectural studios showcases how innovative architectural designs can seamlessly integrate with and complement the ...
Rocky Mountain Modern presents the most inspiring modern residences set within the stunning landscapes of the Rockies. Perched on cliffsides or nestled into verdant ...
Los trabajos presentados en este libro reflejan una visión optimista del futuro. Las construcciones se presentan en áreas humildes y respetuosas a través de ...
Increasingly, designers are interested in challenging the stigma associated with utilitarian projects, public amenities that are essential but also often go unnoticed. This issue ...
Pays tribute to an interesting holiday house in Trentino region, Italy, designed by architect Giovanni Leo Salvotti during the '60s and currently in ruins ...
Viviendas sin escaleras ni obstáculos, todo distribuido en una misma planta, zona de salón, comedor, dormitorios, cocina y dependencias de servicio. Destacan por su ...
The ultimate escapist collection of environmentally sustainable houses, cabins, and retreats, this book circles the globe to find the best eco-architecture in the most ...
Gion A. Caminada has produced architectural work in Surselva, Grisons that is unique in being directly determined by the ecological, geographical and structural engineering ...
Il volume illustra il progetto di Carlo Mollino per Casa Garelli a Champoluc, nella Val d'Ayas valdostana. Un incarico quantomeno singolare: smontare una vecchia ...
Many people long to live surrounded by nature. Correspondingly, designing for this goal demands utmost sensitivity. With meticulous concepts, architects must take account of ...
This, the first title in a new series, Nature Retreats, which presents the most beautifully-designed holiday homes, with stunning mountain views. Travel journalist Sebastiaan ...
-Parque Tejo- A proposta apresenta uma implantação que pretende tirar partido da morfologia dessa fronteira e adaptar uma estrutura uniformizadora, contínua e capaz de ...
This beautiful publication narrates the romantic biography of an architecturally significant country residence and its rescue from decline. Dating from the mid-15th century, Apethorpe ...
This visual sourcebook of 25 modern interiors in a range of mountain settings features photographs by Richard Powers and text by interiors writer Dominic ...