The ultimate collector's resource, including hundreds of pieces by both well- and lesser-known designers from around the world. From armchairs and chaises longues to ...
El Atlas of Interior Design es un inspirador tour global sin precedentes por más de 400 cautivadores interiores residenciales de las últimas 80 décadas. De ...
The ultimate escapist collection of environmentally sustainable houses, cabins, and retreats, this book circles the globe to find the best eco-architecture in the most ...
Présentation d'une centaine de maisons remarquables bâties depuis 1900, qui, célèbres ou méconnues, révèlent les valeurs et les tendances de leur époque.
The Iconic House features over 100 of the most important and influential houses designed and built since 1900. International in scope and wide-ranging in ...
This visual sourcebook of 25 modern interiors in a range of mountain settings features photographs by Richard Powers and text by interiors writer Dominic ...
This volume is the single best source for anyone interested in exploring and experiencing Mid-Century Modern, the international design movement that still influences homes ...
This definitive survey of one of the most popular, collectable and dynamic periods of international design offers a rich overview of all aspects of ...
Brazil is full of energy, creativity and originality. Amid its glamorous beaches and tropical vegetation, a new generation of architects are establishing a global ...
This substantial book features one hundred of the most spectacular interiors across the world, spanning the entire 20th century to the present day. It ...
Casas mediterráneasUn homenaje a la arquitectura sostenible: 25 casas que muestran la diversidad de la arquitectura del Mediterráneo, con un respeto por el entorno ...
For anyone thinking of designing, building, remodelling or furnishing a modern home, this book provides practical inspiration for living stylishly, sensibly and sustainably. Successful ...
Cet ouvrage dresse un panorama saisissant des chefs-d'œuvre de l'architecture du siècle passé jusqu'à nos jours, présentant des projets majeurs de maîtres comme Le ...
"The Iconic House" features one hundred of the most important and influential architect-designed houses from around the world. With seminal works from such icons ...