In this planning guide, the renowned lighting designer Ulrike Brandi documents all her findings on the topics of lighting design, daylight, sustainability and healthy ...
El cielo oscuro no solo constituye un importante patrimonio científico y cultural, sino también un eje en torno al que desarrollar actividades de turismo ...
¡Domina los fundamentos: luz y forma, color, composición, perspectiva, profundidad y anatomía humana! Más consejos de expertos, más técnicas clave y obras instructivas mejoran ...
Each of these Analysing Architecture Notebooks is devoted to a particular theme in understanding the rich and varied workings of architecture. They can be ...
Descubra cómo utilizar la luz y la iluminación en una amplia variedad de medios con esta guía para artistas visuales. Propiedades fundamentales de la ...
En La posibilidad de una arquitectura absoluta, Pier Vittorio Aureli reconsidera la forma arquitectónica a la luz de una idea unitaria de la arquitectura ...
A sensation: the works of Fred Sandback, embedded for the first time into the buildings by the famous Mexican architect Luis Barragán Fred Sandback ...
Reflections on light gathers a series of conversations with designers, architects and artists who work with and think about light every day. Behind any ...
The Qur'an makes rich references to light, tying it to revelation, and light consequently permeates the culture and visual arts of the Islamic lands. ...