This book brings together five vacation homes in Sweden designed by Stockholm-based architect Mikael Bergquist. Realised over more than two decades, they are all ...
A principios del siglo xx, nuevos movimientos espirituales como la teosofía, difundida por Helena Blavatsky o Annie Besant, entre otras figuras, y la antroposofía ...
Swedish architects Tham & Videgård are internationally recognised for creating buildings on a variety of scales. This book, published in conjunction with an exhibition ...
L'opera di Lewerentz è un'opera difficile, come più volte affermato, e per questo sbagliano quanti si aspettano da essa certezze o facili esempi da ...
Swedish architect, artist, and systems change designer Jenny Grettve's 'Abody Abode' is a chronicle of modern womanhood, a collection of stories that are both ...
One of Sweden's most renowned contemporary architects, Johan Celsing has created a diverse body of work that spans from housing to public institutions such ...
Greta Magnusson Grossman (1906-1999) was a prolific designer working within the male-dominated world of mid-century modern design, whose status and influence has been largely ...
Sigurd Lewerentz (1885-1975) es uno de los protagonistas más venerados y también uno de los más mitificados de la arquitectura europea moderna. Posiblemente el ...
La arquitectura nórdica es hoy en día funcional, atractiva de forma minimalista y en equilibrio con la naturaleza. Al mismo tiempo, los arquitectos desempeñan ...
Driven by 'simple, remarkable ideas', Stockholm Design Lab (SDL) has been transforming brands and businesses as one of the leading forward-thinking design agencies in ...
With a focus on modern, minimalist, and sustainable but striking concepts, Stockholm is at the forefront of effortless cool, where nature and architecture co-exist ...
The comprehensive monograph of Claesson Koivisto Rune sums up 25 successful years of creativity of the internationally acknowledged Swedish architects. The book introduces more ...
Rahel Belatchew is the founder of Belatchew Architects. Her architecture can be best understood as an innovative attitude rather than a certain style. The ...
In the past decade Andreas Martin-Löf Arkitekter has grown from a kitchen-table enterprise into one of Sweden's most exciting young architecture firms. With a ...
Eight current buildings and projects by the well-known Swedish architect A range of different types of buildings, from the design process to the completed ...
Taking an interdisciplinary approach, weaving together art, philosophy, history, and literature, this book investigates the landscapes and buildings of Swedish architect Erik Gunnar Asplund. ...
Scandinavia is a region associated with modernity: modern design, modern living and a modern welfare state. This new history of modernism in Scandinavia offers ...
Josef Frank, born 1885 in Baden near Vienna, ranks among Europe's most significant architects of the twentieth century. His designs for furniture and textiles ...