Architecture is usually analyzed and taught as a discipline that articulates space and geometry, but the mental impact of architecture arises significantly from its ...
Illustrated thoroughly, Biomolecular Archaeology is the first book to clearly guide students through the study of ancient DNA: how to analyze biomolecular evidence (DNA, ...
While many designers are now aware of scripting's potential, it is still seen as a difficult arena to enter. Scripting Cultures treats scripting not ...
Proven Strategies for Getting a Project LEED(R) Certified Here is the ideal guide for architects, engineers, interior designers, project managers, facility managers, and building ...
Montgomery, Runger, and Hubele provide modern coverage of engineering statistics, focusing on how statistical tools are integrated into the engineering problem-solving process. All major ...
This book provides guidance on building survey work for typical residential, commercial and industrial buildings, with advice on how to diagnose a wide range ...
Whereas the first volume of this set provides the intellectual groundwork for Schumacher's ideas, the second volume addresses the specific, contemporary challenges that architecture ...
Typological Urbanism Projective Cities Guest-edited by Christopher CM Lee and Sam Jacoby How can architecture today be simultaneously relevant to its urban context and ...
Written for architects and related design and construction professionals, Prefab Architecture is a guide to offsite construction, presenting the opportunities and challenges associated with ...
Part of Wiley's new Graphic Standard Field Guides series, Graphic Standards Field Guide to Hardscape is the reference for the on-the-go professional. The perfect ...
Architects, urban planners, urban designers, developers, city officials, and all those interested in revitalizing their post-industrial cities will find the tools they need here. ...
Take a theoretical approach to architecture with The Autopoiesis of Architecture, which presents the topic as a discipline with its own unique logic. Architecture's ...
A comprehensive book on the sustainable design of research laboratories Today's research laboratories are complex and difficult building types to design, and making them ...
Today the convergence of design, engineering and architectural technologies are breeding a new material practice in experimental architecture. In this pioneering publication, this important ...
The construction industry is evolving a single set of international building codes. Now, more than ever, architects need an interpretive guide to understand how ...
With its wide variety of topics and up-to-date coverage, Landscape Planning 5e is an excellent resource for students in a variety of disciplines including ...
The book that follows addresses these areas from a blend of contributions of experienced practitioners to the descriptions of the output from recent research ...