Mit seinen lichtdurchfluteten Häusern prägte Richard J. Neutra (1892-1970) - Amerikaner mit österreichischen Wurzeln - die kalifornische modernistische Architekturszene und wurde damit zu einem ...
Ob Madrider Schule, Weinbrenner-Schule oder die Vorarlberger Bauschule in der internationalen Architektenausbildung sind Schulbezeichnungen geläufige Etiketten. Die "Architekturschule" oder "School of Architecture" ist bis ...
With this fourth O?Neil Ford Monograph, The Center for American Architecture and Design together with the O?Neil Ford Chair in Architecture at The University ...
Die Monografie behandelt das Werk des Hochschullehrers und Architekten Hermann Reinhard Alker, der zu den wenigen Vertretern einer Neuen Sachlichkeit in der Architektur der ...
Erschienen in der Reihe "Forschungen zur Nachkriegsmoderne" des Fachgebiets Kunstgeschichte am Institut für Kunstwissenschaft und Historische Urbanistik der Technischen Universität Berlin hrsg. von Adrian ...
Seoul-based architect Jong Soung Kimm's roots are in Korea, but his formative years were spent in Chicago--as a student at the Illinois Institute of ...
Spanning Germany's modernist era and its Empire days to the postwar Federal Republic of Germany, the glittering career of Paul Bonatz (1877-1956) is studded ...
The Fassianos Building in Athens, by Kyriakos Krokos (1941-1998), proved to be an experimental ground for the architectural visions and details that would later ...
This third volume in the O'Neil Ford Duograph Series spotlights a high-rise by Rafael Iglesia and a free-standing house by Marcelo Villafañe, through drawings, ...
Two residential buildings by Brazilian architects are studied in depth in this volume. Invisible from the street, Angelo Bucci's house reveals itself in sequences ...
From start to finish, it took the Modernist Portuguese architect Álvaro Siza, winner of the 1992 Pritzker Prize and designer of The Serpentine Gallery's ...
This book examines experimental design methodologies in the field of architecture and their implementation in academic settings. Theoretical considerations by guest essayists and numerous ...
The fifteenth-century architect Sinan (1489-1588) was a master mosque builder who employed perfect proportions to create astonishing lightness in architecture--especially in his gravity-defying cupolas. ...