Libros del autor KUTTRUFF, HEINRICH Mostrando 1 libros encontrados. (1 páginas). Ordenar por: Title Author Publication date Price ACOUSTICS. AN INTRODUCTION KUTTRUFF, HEINRICH TAYLOR & FRANCIS This definitive textbook provides students with a comprehensive introduction to acoustics. Beginning with the basic physical ideas, "Acoustics" balances the fundamentals with engineering aspects, ... 58,80 € buy Sin stock. Envío en 15/30 días 58,80 € buy
ACOUSTICS. AN INTRODUCTION KUTTRUFF, HEINRICH TAYLOR & FRANCIS This definitive textbook provides students with a comprehensive introduction to acoustics. Beginning with the basic physical ideas, "Acoustics" balances the fundamentals with engineering aspects, ... 58,80 € buy Sin stock. Envío en 15/30 días 58,80 € buy