This book contains the most recent projects by the architectural office nps tchoban voss (founded in 1931 in Hamburg, Germany). For the architects in ...
The architects von Gerkan, Marg and Partners and the engineers schlaich bergermann und partner are leading stadium builders worldwide. This partnership of architects and ...
Classical Modernism is very much alive! It is more diversified, more atmospherically intense, more comfortable, and more technically perfect than ever before'as shown by ...
Already regarded as the most successful Swedish architect of all time, Gert Wingårdh is nevertheless not a 'pure product' of Swedish architecture'the solutions he ...
Stefan Behnisch and partners have a current international reputation as one of the most successful architectural offices in Germany. Taking up the formal tradition ...
Das ArchitekturbA1/4ro nps tchoban voss mit Standorten in Hamburg, Berlin und Dresden gehArt zu den wenigen deutschen BA1/4ros mit internationaler PrAsenz. Das traditionsreiche BA1/4ro, ...
Independent of changes in fashion, the Stuttgart architectural practice of Wulf & Partner (Tobias Wulf, Kai Bierich, Alexander Vohl) have made a name for ...
Mit dem neuen Hans Otto Theater hat Gottfried Böhm, einer der profiliertesten deutschen Architekten und Pritzker-Preisträger, einen neuen Blickfang im "preußischen Arkadien" der Potsdam-Glienicker ...