The cycle of production and consumption, artificially accelerated by advertising and marketing, has characterised our society for decades. This cycle has recently also taken ...
A principios de la década de 2020, el consenso de Silicon Valley se derrumbó. Desigualdades locas, estancamiento de la productividad, inestabilidad endémica? la nueva ...
En todo el mundo occidental los gobiernos y las élites financieras respondieron a la crisis económica de 2008 intentando restablecer las condiciones que imperaban ...
En el subsuelo venezolano se encuentra la mayor reserva mundial de petróleo. Desgraciadamente, el país lo gobierna un régimen disfuncional cuya mala gestión ha ...
The City That Never Was considers the increasingly speculative nature of contemporary urbanization by exploring the consequences of the massive building boom and bust ...
La compilación de textos que se presenta en este libro es la expresión de una voluntad de colaboración académica entre los profesores e investigadores ...
During the past 25 years the burden of managing economic policy for competitiveness has devolved to cities and to urban regions. National governments have ...
The cultural economy forms a leading trajectory of urban development, and has emerged as a key facet of globalizing cities. Cultural industries include new ...
In response to both policy and conceptual debates, alternative narratives have begun to emerge about territorial governance and policy-making. As local and regional policy ...
After a period of extraordinary economic growth at the turn of the twenty-first century, the economy of Iceland collapsed into the deepest and most ...
The onset of the global crisis has emphasised the persistence of substantial differences in development and social progress within the euro area. The specific ...
Working Regions focuses on policy aimed at building sustainable and resilient regional economies in the wake of the global recession. Using examples of four ...
This book reflects on how the economies, social characteristics, ways of life and global relationships of rural areas of Europe have changed in recent ...
Globalization affects urban communities in many ways. One of its manifestations is increased intercity competition, which compels cities to increase their attractiveness in terms ...