Gabriel Ruiz Cabrero, arquitecto encargado de la conservación de la Mezquita-Catedral de Córdoba desde 1978, ofrece en este libro una mirada profunda y detallada ...
Esta obra reúne una serie de trabajos realizados en el marco del Proyecto I+D Excelencia 'Estudio de los espacios rituales mudéjares en la Castilla ...
Esta publicación rinde homenaje al profesor Fernández Puertas, Catedrático de Historia del Arte Musulmán, en la que reúne algunos de sus estudios dedicados a ...
Actualidad Elbphilharmonie, puertas abiertas; La Biennale de Farrell y McNamara; H&deM: un museo del siglo XX; La crisálida de la UE; Coop Himmelb(l)au en ...
Erst allmählich setzt sich in Europa die Erkenntnis durch, dass viele Einwanderer aus muslimisch geprägten Ländern bleiben werden und eingebürgert sein wollen - und ...
Two distinct yet related themes play out in this issue: 'Re-assessing Local Identity' and 'Persistent and Evolving Traditions'. In the first, projects such as ...
TID Tower, Tirana (AL) by 51N4E School, Genoa" (IT) by Jörg Friedrich and Roberto Melai Ecovillage, Findhorn" (UK) by John Gilbert Architects EU export ...
Rebolledo y Ruiz-Cabrero, responsables del Plan Director de la Catedral de Córdoba, son los autores del levantamiento planimétrico que, completando y revisando la extensa ...
The building of religious structures represents a rare opportunity for the architect to concentrate on the creation of volume, space, and form. Sacred architecture ...
The design principles necessary to create functional and dynamic contemporary mosques can be hard to grasp for those unfamiliar with the Islamic faith. Design ...
The building of religious structures represents a rare opportunity for the architect to concentrate on the creation of volume, space, and form. Sacred architecture ...
The mosques of Istanbul represent the splendour of Islamic architecture. Their central domes, rising above the skyline of the city, convey both the ideals ...
The fifteenth-century architect Sinan (1489-1588) was a master mosque builder who employed perfect proportions to create astonishing lightness in architecture--especially in his gravity-defying cupolas. ...
La Mezquita de Córdoba, considerada como el más bello oratorio islámico de Oriente y Occidente, fue consagrado al culto católico en 1236, unos días ...
As modern society has evolved, so have the use and demands of religious facilities changed. C3 examines eight recent projects, through images, plans and ...
Since its first publication, this superbly produced book has become the classic in its field. With contributions by sixteen eminent scholars, The Mosque traces ...