Our contemporary service economy calls the divide between living and working, one of the dogmas of modernist urbanism, into question. People increasingly work from ...
GA Document presents the finest in international design, focusing on architecture that expresses our time and striving to record the history of contemporary architecture. ...
GA Document presents the finest in international design, focusing on architecture that expresses our time and striving to record the history of contemporary architecture. ...
SEDES SINGULARES Piano en París, Foster en Londres, H&deM en Milán Dossier: Alta cocina Actualidad Elogio del maestro González Cordón, in memóriam Museo ICO, ...
Creativity and workmanship under a single roof, yet neither a university nor a factory - labs, studios and workshops are hubs of creative innovation ...
GA Document presents the finest in international design, focusing on architecture that expresses our time and striving to record the history of contemporary architecture. ...
SILICON VALLEY Apple, Facebook, Google Dossier: Hormigón Actualidad Burbujas corporativas Cien años de Zevi Dos torres en proyecto Oficinas pixeladas Archivo de hormigón Ágora ...
Vivero de empresas. Madridejos, Toledo. Arq. OOIIO Arquitectura / Centro para el servicio de distribución de alimentos Tarragona, Tarragona. Arq. Maria Rius, Arnau Tiñena, ...
This book highlights outstanding and inspirational spaces that are setting the trends in creative workplace design. At its core are the 100 pioneering projects ...
Opening with an essay by Andreas Marx on the role of workplaces in cities, this special edition of the magazine presents eighteen international works ...
Front Office Los millenials proclaman el fin del asiento. Oficinas Puig GCA Architects. Diálogos Juan Carlos Baumgartner, SpAce México. Espacio Etsy Brooklyn Gensler. Oficinas ...