Written by leading experts in timber architecture and engineering, Timber in contemporary architecture investigates materials, connections, applications, and celebrates innovation. Excellence in timber design ...
Nell'area alpina le costruzioni in legno hanno una lunga tradizione. Questo materiale edilizio che cresce davanti alla nostra porta di casa viene impiegato fin ...
Perspective: Urban Mediaspace / scmidt hammer lassen architects. Digital Origami-Ce.Te.S Center / AKA architetti. Shenzhen 4 Tower in 1 / Steven Holl Architects. The ...
Bamboo Fences provides a detailed look at the complex art of bamboo fence design in Japan, presenting these unique structures in over 250 photographs ...
INDICE: BASES DE CALCULO: Estructuras de Acero, de Hormigón y de Madera.-TABLAS DE PERFILES: Constantes el material y clasificación de secciones.- Notaciones empleadas en ...
Bamboo materials are well available in the world. Bamboo has much shorter maturity than trees, thus can be harvested with shorter cycles of plantation. ...
"Frameworks" è il titolo scelto da Aldo Parisotto e Massimo Formenton per questo libro che presenta con grande dovizia di immagini l'ultimo decennio di ...
No architect's education would be complete without a basic understanding of how structures respond to the action of forces and how these forces affect ...
Hermann Kaufmann is a wood construction pioneer in Europe. The body of work he developed in 25 years includes commercial and farming construction projects, ...
Rakennustieto publishes for the fifth time a book devoted to the work of the architect receiving the international Spirit of Nature Wood Architecture Award. ...
Praised as "modernist savants" by The New York Times, Marmol Radziner + Associates have redefined the indoor-outdoor California lifestyle made famous by legendary mid-century ...
The architects Karl Heinz, Dieter Mathoi and Jörg Streli have cooperated for 33 years, realizing projects as a team and individually. This book surveys ...