Concrete is a challenging material: stoniness, coarseness, massiveness and harshness are all characteristic features of it. A skilful architect can, like a sculptor, find ...
The corrosion of reinforcing steel in concrete is a major problem facing civil engineers and surveyors throughout the world today. There will always be ...
Marita Carmona e Irene de la Torre. viviendas Europan. España Alexis López Acosta y Xavier lván Díaz. Edificio lnakasa. Las Palmas de Gran Canarias. ...
Addressing the interactions between the different design and construction variables and techniques, this book illustrates best practices for constructing economical, long life concrete pavements. ...
Simplified Design of Concrete Structures, Eighth Edition is a reliable, easy-to-use handbook that examines a wide range of concrete structures, building types, and construction ...
This consistently successful core textbook enables civil and structural engineering students to develop a sound understanding of the fundamentals and to use relevant principles ...
This comprehensive design guide summarizes current developments in the design of concrete pavements. Following an overview of the theory involved, the authors detail optimum ...
The ability to shape concrete as desired, supplemented by its versatility in design and simplicity of construction, make it the preferred building material of ...
Exercicis curts d´estructures de formigó: bases de càlcul, estats límit últims i de servei és un llibre concebut bàsicament com a material d´autoaprenentatge per ...