La necesidad de formar profesionales para el sector de agua y energía a través del sistema nacional de cualificaciones y formación profesional ha sido ...
Obra inprescindible para realizar una certera aproximación a la localización y características de los molinos de mar en Cantabria y la importancia que han ...
Water based heating systems are efficient, flexible, versatile and offer many advantages over other heating systems. These advantages (fast response, good controllability, efficient zonal ...
volume è dedicato a questo manufatto architettonico che segna l'orizzonte con il suo inconfondibile profilo e costituisce una presenza che, più di ogni altro ...
Water is the scarcest of all natural resources. It is a global challenge to develop, produce and deploy technologies, systems and products for sustainable ...
In port cities around the world, waterfront development projects have been hailed both as spaces of promise and as crucial territorial wedges in twenty-first ...
The second, enlarged edition of this established reference integrates many new insights into wastewater hydraulics. This work serves as a reference for researchers but ...
Restless, protean, fluid, evanescent—despite being a challenge to represent visually, water has gained a striking significance in the art of the twentieth century. This ...
The first part of this issue shows recently developed waterfront projects like the Toronto Central Waterfront on Lake Ontario by West 8+DTAH, a reorganisation ...