Bridges shape landscapes and cities. They are structures of great value to society. Bridges almost always document what was technically feasible when they were ...
The firm schlaich bergermann partner has been designing and building ambitious civil engineering projects around the world for more than thirty years. Its portfolio ...
This issue's main feature follows Norway's major modern tourist attraction, the National Scenic Routes: eighteen roads which navigate through beautiful and diverse landscapes. The ...
Este noveno volumen, dedicado a PUENTES Y PASARELAS, contiene los siguientes proyectos completos, con planos incluidos: Puente mixto de acero y hormigón Puente metálico ...
Santiago Calatrava recibió el encargo directo de proyectar el puente del Alamillo hace ahora 25 años, con motivo de la Exposición Universal de Sevilla ...
A collection of six pop-up notecards and envelopes, featuring: Sydney Harbour Bridge, Brooklyn Bridge, Tower Bridge, the Rialto, the Chengyang Wind and Rain Bridge, ...
Tunnels, footbridges, escalators, urban cable cars, pathways - passages are essential links, with the potential to generate distinctive urban environments. They require little investment ...
In Who Built That? Bridges, illustrator Didier Cornille presents ten of the most important bridges in the world, from the first cast-iron bridge (the ...