The role and influence of building services engineers is undergoing rapid change and is pivotal to achieving low-carbon buildings. However, textbooks in the field ...
Los edificios más interesantes de nuestros días son casi sin excepción obras respetuosas con el medio ambiente, sostenibles y concebidas para consumir la menor ...
Este manual aborda desde una perspectiva práctica y didáctica aspectos esenciales para desenvolverse con soltura en el entorno del montaje y el mantenimiento de ...
Este libro está orientado a todos aquellos que deseen iniciarse en la elaboración de los proyectos técnicos requeridos para la instalación de sistemas de ...
«Il nostro pianeta è riccamente dotato di quelle che la cultura di massa chiama terre marginali. Lontano dalle principali vie di comunicazione, difficili da ...
Energías renovables, eficiencia energética, certificación energética, o auditorías energéticas son términos por los que nos hemos visto invadidos innumerables veces. Se tratan todos ellos ...
Establishing a deep connection with the climate, culture and natural environment of a place is a process that seems to Italian architect Mario Cucinella ...
EcoHabitar es la revista en España de Bioconstrucción, Ecoarquitectura, Permacultura y Vida Sostenible que aporta soluciones viables para una nueva forma de vivir. Una ...
This third edition of Green Buildings Pay presents new evidence and new arguments concerning the institutional and business case that can be made for ...
Refract House explores the evolution of California College of the Arts solar-powered house that competed in the 2009 U.S. Department of Energy Solar Decathlon. ...
In future, buildings that make sense from a bioclimatic perspective will not be the exception; planners will simply be expected to design them. With ...
Recently, the so-called 'green question' has influenced many aspects of architecture and design, likewise bringing with it implications about the reconsideration of nature and ...