The fifth volume in this series is all about stairs. Eight questions are posed to fifteen architectural offices from around the world, beginning with ...
Aimed at architecture students and professionals Bawa Staircases offers the reader a primer of how staircases are often the most dynamic and theatrical spatial ...
Stairs are the most important vertical circulation element. They shape the space and give the entire design a unique character. However, the requirements when ...
Una esclarecedora visión de las escaleras, a menudo con cualidades esculturales. Con la presentación de muchos de los arquitectos más renombrados a nivel mundial, ...
The staircase dates back to the very beginning of architectural history. Virtually every significant building from the ziggurats of ancient Mesopotamia to the present ...
A magnificent survey of the staircase in all its forms with dazzling photographs, many specially taken for this bookThis extraordinary book showcases the astonishing ...
Cette publication rassemble, en un seul volume, une documentation sur les escaliers, fondée sur les différentes études menées par le Centre de Recherches sur ...
Over 230 beautiful color photos and 98 architectural sketches reveal innovative designs that architects are creating for stairways in the home, by turning them ...
EL objetivo fundamental que se pretende alcanzar con esta publicación de exámenes resueltos, es proporcionar material de trabajo a aquellos estudiantes que tengan inquietud ...
Questo volume aggiorna il primo fortunatissimo titolo dedicato alle scale proponendo una nuova raccolta di progetti che attestano l'inesauribile capacità di questo elemento architettonico ...
Vertical transportation systems (elevators, lifts, escalators and passenger conveyors) are used in almost all buildings of more than a few stories high. Traffic design ...
La gran variedad de lenguajes, tecnicas y materiales adoptados para crear conexiones verticales, están ampliamente documentados en este volumen monografico. Compuesto por fotografias de ...