Generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) tools are currently making a dynamic appearance in the architectural realm. Social media are being bombarded by word-to-image/image-to-image/word-to-3D/image-to-3D illustrations of ...
Building with earthquakes is a familiar yet persistent design problem for resilient construction on all continents. This book elaborates on various factors for earthquake-resilient ...
A fundamental reference work and textbook on construction Systematically organised for instructional purposes, this single volume communicates to students and to those setting out ...
People involved in architecture need to be familiar with construction methods in order to be in control of their designs. New technical requirements impact ...
Aimed specifically at those students and practitioners who require a broad understanding of building construction as part of a wider sphere of professional activity. ...
Fundamental Building Technology introduces the technology, methods, and processes fundamental to construction by focussing on what is involved in building a typical low-rise house. ...
Exploring the design of innovative building enclosure systems (or skins) in contemporary architecture and their precedents in earlier twentieth century modern architecture, this book ...
Established as one of the leading books on the materials and methods of construction, the Ninth Edition of Construction was renamed Olin's Construction to ...
We can no longer view building components as artifacts (a brick or a boiler) or as autonomous systems (air conditioning or prefabrication). Rather these ...
Este libro está pensado para el alumno que ha decidido iniciar sus estudios en Ingeniería de Edificación, sirviéndole como herramienta de trabajo para la ...
Los contenidos recogidos en este manual de diseño abordan el estudio de las estructuras de acero desde un enfoque constructivo, inmediato e intuitivo, alejados ...
Just as we use language to parse reality to make it more easily apprehensible, we employ boundaries-parsings of space- and conventional signs in order ...
The second edition of Construction Technology: Analysis and Choice has been expanded to include commercial buildings. This now covers, in a single textbook, all ...
Building Construction Handbook is an authoritative reference for all students and professionals. It is full of detailed drawings that clearly illustrate the construction of ...
Estudia los aspectos típicos de la construcción de un edificio (solar, preparación, cimientos, pilares, muros, pisos, puertas, ventanas, chimeneas, cubiertas y tejados, etc.), incluye ...
Shortcuts provide an eclectic mix of at-a-glance guides to the minefield of regulations, new materials, and technologies that confront building designers today. Comprising hand-drawn ...
El elemento claramente diferenciador lo constituye la participación, junto al mundo académico, del sector industrial y de los centros tecnológicos para conseguir la máxima ...