A look at the most significant architectural and territorial projects by the world-renowned Chilean architect, a leader in the «geopoetic» methodology in architecture. This ...
Biografía 4 MAURICIO PEZO & SOFÍA VON ELLRICHSHAUSEN Caballo de Juguete 318 Toy Horse MAURICIO PEZO & SOFÍA VON ELLRICHSHAUSEN 2005/2022 Pezo von Ellrichshausen ...
Figura absoluta del arte latinoamericano en la escena internacional, Vicuña está considerada una de las máximas representantes de la performance, pero es también escritora, ...
En invierno, 15 fotógrafos visitaron algunos de los proyectos de arquitectura contemporánea que han puesto a Chile en el mapa durante las últimas tres ...
In its architectural practice, Elemental responds to an awareness of the intervention context, the socio-cultural and economic dimension, and the recognition of the necessities ...
Chilean architect Smiljan Radic is widely recognised for his distinctive approach to form, materials, and natural settings, and this edition of the magazine pays ...
Luis Fernández-Galiano Obras sin pedestal Works without Pedestal Rafael Moneo: Lecciones de construcción Construction Lessons Fernando Pérez Oyarzun: Cuatro décadas de arquitectura Four Decades ...
El arquitecto ganador del Premio Pritzker, Alejandro Aravena (nacido en 1967) es el director artístico del estudio Elemental, con sede en Santiago de Chile. ...
La obra de Guillermo Hevia García destaca entre las jóvenes generaciones de arquitectos chilenos por la construcción constante de órdenes y lógicas propias a ...
Led by Pritzker Prize-winning artistic director Alejandro Aravena (born 1967), the Elemental studio, based in Santiago, Chile, possesses a diversely skilled staff whose analytical ...
A spectacular, visually rich monograph on one of the most visionary architecture firms of the twenty-first century led by 2016 Pritzker Prize-winner Alejandro Aravena ...
Juan Grimm's most beautiful gardens in Chile Juan Grimm is considered the father of landscape architecture in Chile. His designs persistently underscore the sublimities ...
The Chilean architect presents eighteen projects designed in his studio that illuminate ideas and process in this handsome publication. Some began life as illustrations ...
Tierra del Fuego, Patagonia, Atacama Desert and the Pacific Coast: even today the apperception of Chile remains remote and indistinct. There is no doubt ...
This instalment presents two works by world-renowned Chilean architect Smiljan Radic, who was selected to design the 2014 Serpentine Gallery Pavilion in London. He ...
· Un recorrido por la obra del artista chileno Patrick Hamilton a través de sus proyectos más emblemáticos. · Su obra se desarrolla fundamentalmente ...