Portuguese architect Camilo Rebelo's practice centers on precise geometric forms that forge connections between architecture and landscape. His projects - from cultural institutions to ...
Obras são momentos críticos na vida dos edifícios. Este livro regista a metamorfose d'A Nacional entre 2021 e 2024, quando os escritórios da antiga ...
The eleventh instalment of 'Archives' offers an analysis of twelve works from the past 25 years by Aires Mateus, the Portuguese architecture studio headed ...
In this third 'Universum', the creative process of Lisbon-based artist Pedro Cabrita Reis, whose work spans a wide variety of media, from painting and ...
Architect Nuno Melo Sousa lives and works in northern Portugal. His work can be briefly characterised as making spaces that provide sensory and emotional ...
This publication brings together all of the architect's unbuilt works. Organised into 2 volumes, the first includes a variety of texts by invited or ...
The Casa de Serralves is a celebrated modernist icon. Designed between Porto and Paris (1925-43), in the superimposed work of five architects, the villa ...
This issue features the work of Aurora Arquitectos, a Portuguese practice from the new generation. Founded in 2010 by Sofia Couto and Sérgio Antunes, ...
Architect João Mendes Ribeiro's practice follows from his university teachings to his presence in national and international exhibitions, including multiple appearances at the Venice ...
Nuno Brandão Costa. Arquitectura 2010- 2023 Esta nueva monografía de TC Cuadernos nos acerca al trabajo reciente del arquitecto portugués Nuno Brandão Costa, una ...
Lisbon is being ravaged by an unprecedented housing crisis. The exponential increase of prices, the combined outcome of the financialisation of housing and the ...