¿Te apetece conocer el Madrid sorprendente y elegante de principios del siglo XX? «PASEOS POR EL MADRID MODERNISTA» te invita a hacerlo. Este libro ...
Desde los nuevos estudios modernistas del siglo XXI, este volumen cuestiona la clásica percepción del sujeto modernista como solitario y asocial, una imagen solipsista ...
In 2023, Brussels, and by extension the whole country, celebrates the year of art nouveau. And who better represents this revolutionary style in than ...
Famed as the birthplace of that icon of twentieth-century architecture, the skyscraper, Chicago also cultivated a more humble but no less consequential form of ...
The painter, designer, and architect Henry van de Velde (1863-1957) played a crucial role in expanding modernist aesthetics beyond Paris and beyond painting. Opposing ...
Josep Puig i Cadafalch (1867-1956), hombre de espíritu inquieto, brilló en múltiples facetas. Fue arquitecto, historiador del arte, profesor de la Escuela de Arquitectura ...
A groundbreaking new study on the VkHUTEMAS and their pioneering curriculum. Examines the way the VkHUTEMAS challenged established canons of academic tradition. Highlights their ...
The Greek island sequence montaged by László Moholy-Nagy into his legendary documentary Architects' Congress can be interpreted, like his provocative Photoplastiks, as a "message ...
Otto Wagner is considered as the ""father of the Viennese modernism"" and one of the most important international architects. The publication on the MAK ...
El sentido estético del modernismo impregnó todas las artes, pero fue en la arquitectura y en las artes decorativas y gráficas donde destacó especialmente. ...
With his residential buildings, office blocks, schools and factories, Boris Velikovsky (1878-1937) made a definitive contribution to Russian avant-garde architecture. His early constructions, such ...
Aleksandr Rodchenko was one of the main generators of creative ideas during the extraordinary time of the Russian avant-garde movements, and he perfectly reflected ...
Josef Frank, born 1885 in Baden near Vienna, ranks among Europe's most significant architects of the twentieth century. His designs for furniture and textiles ...