La búsqueda inquebrantable de la inmortalidad es una de las constantes de la civilización egipcia. Sus textos y obras artísticas conforman un monumento ineludible ...
Drawing on archaeological findings and an unusual combination of Greek and Egyptian evidence, Dorothy Thompson examines the economic life and multicultural society of the ...
Ancient Egyptian tombs were not designed as places where the dead were buried and forgotten. They were the places where carefully preserved bodies were ...
Todos los que, de una u otra forma, tenemos actividades relacionadas con la construcción no podemos sustraernos al interés, e incluso fascinación, que despiertan ...
The most enduring testament to the Mamluk Sultanate is its architecture. Not only do Mamluk buildings embody one of the most outstanding medieval architectural ...
Minarets have defined Cairo's skyline since its early history: they are one of the most characteristic features of Islamic architecture. In Egypt, where civilizations ...
Outlining the major political and cultural events, A History of Ancient Egypt is an authoritative and accessible introduction to this fascinating ancient culture. An ...
Estructurado a modo de diccionario y en forma de fichas, el texto recopila tanto el nombre jeroglífico, como su transcripción, las fuentes, el nombre ...