The collection of architectural design projects included provides an overview of philosophical theories that focus on what appears to be real, presenting a range ...
Today, with the advent of digital media technologies and the ability to conceptualize, express and produce complex forms using digital means, the question of ...
In architecture and interior design spatial concepts are increasingly computer-generated, illustrated and presented. Computer aided design has already established in architectural offices. The influence ...
Over the last 15 years, contemporary architecture has been profoundly altered by the advent of computation and information technology. The ubiquitous dissemination of design ...
Architectural facades now have the potential to be literally kinetic, through automated sunscreens and a range of animated surfaces. This book explores the aesthetic ...
By showcasing the intersection between technology, aesthetics, and function, this book offers a multidisciplinary approach to cutting-edge performative technology. In a Yale studio led ...
John Marx is of the generation of design architects who witnessed their pencils morph into mouses and their drafting tables into computer desktops. Throughout ...
With five new projects in its regular 'Perspective and 'Archipulse sections (by ADEPT + Sou Fujimoto Architects, Rux Design, Fletcher Crane Architects, Shigeru Ban ...
This book examines the possibilities emerging for design and architecture by the introduction of novel computer-aided design (CAD) and digital manufacturing techniques. The form ...
Today's buildings are designed with digital tools and produced by digitally controlled methods. This construction technology now requires us to reevaluate our conception of ...
The process of coding is a systematic experimentation with signs, symbols, and the construction of larger cultural meanings. The fourth volume in the series ...
For years contemporary architects have been inundated with hype about the radical changes expected as a result of technological innovation and the proliferation of ...
Driven by new computer and digital fabrication tools, the architectural designs that are being built are pushing boundaries of form, customization and construction. Pushed ...
Today's explosive developments in digital technology have also affected architecture and the urban landscape. The new possibilities opened up by digital simulation have led ...
programming.architecture is a simple and concise introduction to the history of computing and computational design, explaining the basics of algorithmic thinking and the use ...
Professor Ludger Hovestadts Institute for Computer-Aided Architectural Design at the Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule (ETH) Zürich is widely regarded as one of the worlds most ...