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LISTENING: Music - Movement - Mind is a conceptual and practical book about the creative relationship between mind and body in the context of music and martial arts. Musician and composer Nik Bärtsch, founder of the so-called Ritual Groove Music, has developed techniques that offer musicians and martial artists useful and surprising tools to support, focus and simplify learning and creative processes in many fields of artistic activity and daily life. The book is based on the long-standing experience of Nik Bärtsch and his wife Andrea Pfisterer as aikido practitioners, performers in live music, cultural entrepreneurs and teachers of music and physical techniques. Through essays and pictures, interviews, exercises and games, the book conveys the authors' poetic understanding of body and mind and inspires the individual creativity and consciousness of the readers, regardless of their backgrounds. It also documents the stages of Bärtsch's musical development as composer, solo pianist and bandleader of Ronin and Mobile, two formations that enjoy international recognition. 'Based on Nik Bärtsch and his wife Andrea Pfisterer-Bärtsch's background as performers in live music and as aikido practitioners, Listening: Music Movement Mind is on one level an oddity. On another it is incredibly wise.' - marlbank «Nik Bärtschs Buch ist nun erschienen, in klarer englischer Sprache, mit zahlreichen Fotos, Illustrationen und side-kicks. Der flapsige Untertitel ?A useless guide for everything' sollte nicht darüber hinwegtäuschen, dass das Werk bei all seinem Seitwärtstreiben, Stories und Reflexionen ein spannendes Handbuch ist [...]» - manafonistas
