- EAN: 9781948765251
- ISBN: 9781948765251
- Editorial: ACTAR
- Año de la edición: 2021
- Encuadernación: ESTUCHE
- Páginas: 488
- Materias:
urban planning
urban planning projects
ecology, environment and sustainability
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pvp 74,00 €
This publication, leaded by the National University of Singapore School of Design and Environment, presents the research by design results of four consecutive years in four different countries (China, Philippines, Indonesia and Thailand) responding to the current challenge of building more resilient cities in front of impacts of climate change, such as coastal and river flooding, water and air pollution, water scarcity, urban heat island effect, aquifer depletion or subsidence. The book brings together the work of highly-reputed academics, professionals and scholars from 20 universities worldwide with the aim of serving as a guide for mitigating and adapting to the effects of climate change, and more specifically to reinstating the environmental qualities of our cities through carbon-neutral or carbon net-positive urban designs and plans. The book demonstrates 'seven inspirations' - seven ideas -and 80 design interventions that contribute to the debate on how to address urban resilience through design, planning, technology, management, policies or community involvement in uncertain, unpredictable and transient scenarios, while suggesting creative and innovative design solutions to anticipate, prevent and adapt to the effects of climate-change. The research and designs included in this publication, aim to be speculative visions and provocative reflections that might present alternatives or paradigm shifts for imagining anticipatory and preventive scenarios for our cities.