- EAN: 9780415390996
- ISBN: 978-0-415-39099-6
- Editorial: ROUTLEDGE
- Año de la edición: 2009
- Encuadernación: Rústica
- Medidas: 15 X 24 cm.
- Páginas: 256
- Materias:
urban planning
urban geography
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pvp 38,75 €
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Cities and Development provides a critical exploration of the dynamic relationship between urbanism and development. Highlighting both the challenges and opportunities associated with rapid urban change, the book surveys: the historical relationship between urbanization and development; the role cities play in fostering economic growth in a globalizing world; the unique characteristics of urban poverty and the poor record of interventions designed to tackle it; the complexities of managing urban environments; issues of urban crime, violence, war and terrorism in contemporary cities; and the importance of urban planning, governance and politics in shaping city futures. This book brings into conversation debates from urban and development studies and highlights the strengths and weakness of current policy and planning responses to the contemporary urban challenge. It includes research orientated supplements in the form of summaries, boxed case studies, development questions and further reading. The book is intended for senior undergraduate and graduate students interested in urban, international and development studies, as well as policy makers and planners concerned with equitable and sustainable urban development.