- EAN: 9780415334105
- ISBN: 978-0-415-33410-5
- Editorial: TAYLOR & FRANCIS
- Año de la edición: 2004
- Encuadernación: Rústica
- Medidas: 20 X 24 cm.
- Páginas: 208
- Materias:
solar energy, bioclimatics, photovoltaics and alternatives
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pvp 95,00 €
Rapid urbanization in the tropics has brought in its wake many hitherto unknown changes to humans, animals and plants and the physical environment. Many of these changes are well studied by researchers in diverse fields such as medicine, agriculture and engineering. However, the climatic effect of urbanization has not been understood nor the knowledge base applied by urban designers, planners, architects and engineers. In particular, the energy and bio-climatic implications of changes induced by urbanization have received very little attention in urban design and planning. This book lays out the problem of tropical urban climate anomaly and points to possibilities of mitigating these changes through design and planning options. An Urban Approach To Climate Sensitive Design brings together the emerging literature on climate-sensitive urban design and places it in a tropical context. The physical processes behind changing urban climate are clearly illustrated.The