The catalogue accompanying the first comprehensive Schlemmer retrospective for almost forty years presents over 250 high-quality works, in particular the seven original costumes of ...
The idea of transforming stones into silver, common copper into gold, has captured the popular imagination for centuries. At its peak in the sixteenth ...
Gunther Gerlachs works are expansive, abstract, but also entirely committed to form. He is fascinated by process and has the courage to experiment. Gerlach ...
Uta Reinhardts compositions are compelling. Her paintings, most of which feature human or animal figures, cause the viewer to try to understand what is ...
Architects in the 19th century worked in a time of transition, of varied opinions and emerging techniques, of changing ideas and practices. Research into ...
New York City Gardens presents New Yorks evolving tradition of garden culture through images and discussions of thirty of its most outstanding gardens, from ...