The Design for Business: Research program is a series of presentations that examine the role of design in building competitive business advantage. We believe ...
The increasing understanding of the importance of health and well-being combined with the emphasis on beauty in our society has inspired the creation of ...
The 2012 Competitions Annual is a comprehensive volume dedicated to some of the more interesting competitions that have taken place during the past year. ...
Fashion is another name for vogue. It stands at the forefront of the avant-garde trends. Illustration is the most flexible graphic design which could ...
Lovely Design brings together an international collection of the most popular, adorable, hilarious and sometimes dark Kawaii art being made today.Includes over 100 full ...
In todays society the demand for convenience has lead to disposable paper cups becoming a part of everyday life.As paper cup technology has developed ...
The rapid development of modern technology has brought us a convenient life, but also an unprecedented crisis and test for the environment. Green architecture ...
As a decorative style, Neo-classicism emerged in the 18th Century. It presents different forms in different countries (Louis XVI in France, Regency Style in ...
Gift Packaging Design looks at the Elements of Packaging Design including colour, graphics, materials and also different characteristics between Western and other markets. Packaging ...
Offices should provide the atmosphere of encouraging creativity and staff energy. Fall in Love with Office features 43 projects from a variety of practices ...
In the global research marketplace large 'new' research institutes have become critical mass 'attractors' for the very best scientists. This book looks in depth ...
Landscape building possesses two basic features, in both providing function whilst the matching or architectural styles with the natural scenery. Harmony Between Architecture and ...
Municipal Architecture looks at the specific challenges facing architects in creating municipal spaces which increasingly have to provide both space for people to work ...
David Black terms his large scale sculptures 'Proto-Architecture'.. a combining of architectural forms: columns, arch-like units, canopies, benches. with sculptural elements: imagery, a mix ...
From the subject of contemporary landscape design in China, the book of 'Contemporary Architecture in China - Urban Landscapes' selects 28 outstanding landscape projects, ...
Atelier Villes & Paysages, which grew out of the agency created in 1989 by the landscape architect Jean-Marc Bouillon, was formed by bringing together ...
Since its creation in 1996 by Jean-Marc Gaulier, Urbicus has developed 'naturbanity' , a landscape practice as a pertinent means of tackling urban questions ...