Architecture as Civil Commitment analyses the many ways in which Lucio Costa shaped the discourse of Brazilian modern architecture, tracing the roots, developments, and ...
Ideological Equals: Women Architects in Socialist Europe 1945-1989 presents an alternative narrative of women in architecture. A topic often considered from the perspective of ...
During the twentieth century, an increasingly diverse range of buildings and spaces was used for theatre. Theatre architecture was re-formed by new approaches to ...
Earth, Brick and Terracotta deals with fired and unfired clay products. It considers their technological evolution, the processes causing deterioration and how these should ...
Since the original series of "Practical Building Conservation" appeared in 1988, it has become a standard reference for those caring for historic buildings large ...
Traffic, music, language and nature help to create unique soundscapes that are essential to the place-based character of each city. Taking into account both ...
Architectural discourse and practice are dominated by a false dichotomy between design and chance, and governed by the belief that the architect's role is ...
This volume, Conservation Basics, examines the evolving theories and principles that underpin building conservation in England in the 21st century, and looks at their ...
While Le Corbusier's urban projects are generally considered confrontational in their relationship to the traditional urban fabric, his proposal for the Venice hospital project ...
During the years 1919 into 1925 Frank Lloyd Wright worked on four houses and a kindergarten located in metropolitan Los Angeles using concrete blocks ...
Between 1935 and 1959, the architecture of childhood was at the centre of architectural discourse in a way that is unique in architectural history. ...
Set on a hillside near Cluny, in a region associated with religious institutions and sacred architecture (including Le Corbusier's La Tourette), Le Carmel de ...
Drawing on detailed design, construction and financial histories of six prominent Performing Arts buildings with budgets ranging from £3.4 million to over £100 million, ...
Geoffrey Baker is the first to analyse in depth the articulation systems used in major projects undertaken by Stirling. He confirms that the Staatsgalerie ...
Architects, landscape designers, builders, gardeners and teachers have all at some time been called upon to design a play area. Unfortunately, this diversity has ...