In this remarkable and gorgeously illustrated book, Neil Jackson presents a vibrant profile of the Los Angeles architect Pierre Koenig, who Time magazine said ...
Desde pequeños nos trasmiten una forma de situarnos en el espacio: la naturaleza puede considerarse el lugar de aventuras épicas o el escenario del ...
Ian Bostridge comparte en estas páginas su pasión por una de las obras más extraordinarias y enigmáticas de la música occidental, el schubertiano ciclo ...
A contemporary, eccentric architect who draws on Japanese tradition, Terunobu Fujimori's designs manage to be simultaneously whimsical, beautifully designed, and environmentally sensitive. The projects ...
La tesis propone la posibilidad de trasladar las pautas específicas del análisis arquitectónico a la disciplina cinematográfica. El cineasta y el arquitecto comparten una ...
Regarded as one of the most influential architects and designers of the twentieth century, Gio Ponti (1891-1979) was a prolific creator, as much interested ...
This volume features seven of his residential houses and looks at his approach to modernist suburban residences, including two new homes finished in 2017. ...
Architecture is often seen as confronting the natural environment, its buildings and other objects inscribing boundaries and thereby expressing an internalized point of view. ...
Since the release of his first monograph, Vincent Van Duysen has consolidated his reputation for buildings of exceptional spatial mastery and highly refined detailing, ...