FictionLes livres de Louis-Paul Guigues ont la grâce de certains récits mystiques et l'envoûtement des contes. Labyrinthes est son premier roman, publié chez Gallimard ...
L'immagine del labirinto appare intrisa di sacralità e di mistero fin dalla più remota antichità. Il labirinto presenta una doppia valenza in quanto permette ...
Topiary, the art of creating sculpture in clipped plants, originated with the Romans, who employed 'toparii' to clip their hedges. The fashion traveled throughout ...
Si le jardin enchante, le labyrinthe captive ; tous deux traduisent notre rapport à l'univers. Déclinée d'Homère à Borgès, l'image du labyrinthe dénote l'harmonie ...
All too often, no one—neither the public, city officials, nor developers—is happy with the course of new development. But growing support for urban design ...
Cities, estates and routing systems develop, change constantly and fundamentally cannot be planned. Claims to ownership, land and building regulations, planning decisions and political ...
Devenires cíborg trata de los agenciamientos de cuerpos, espacios y máquinas que queremos pensar y construir como ocasiones para la invención de nuevas libertades ...