Our economic welfare and social well-being depend on our mobility. But our means of travel threaten the planet's sustainability. In this innovative text, Luca ...
The worlds metropolises are home to steadily growing populations. Densification measures are one solution to the problems of urbanization, creating inner-city living space where ...
Perspectives in Metropolitan Research is a joint project of the HafenCity University Hamburg [HCU] and the foundation ZEIT-Stiftung Ebelin und Gerd Bucerius. The series's ...
The suburbanization of North America has been was one of the most significant social, political, and cultural transformations of the twentieth century. Originally seen ...
The projects in the Future Megacities programme gain valuable experiences in developing energy efficient standards and urban structures with adequate conditions to treat resources ...
Based on a major international study, this volume provides a synthesis of scientific knowledge on megacity urbanization on the coast, environmental impacts, risks and ...
Recent years, Brazil has discovered vast quantities of petroleum deep within its territorial waters, inciting the construction of a series of cities along its ...
In a world of growing and multiplying cities, suburbanization is the most visible and pervasive phenomenon. While the single-family home subdivisions of North America ...
Dalla lettura delle immagini fotografiche colte da Giovanni Favero emerge una forma di incantamento, immagini ferme e serene, volti sorridenti. La vita è colta ...
Boston's metropolitan landscape has been two hundred years in the making. From its proto-suburban village centers of 1800 to its far-flung, automobile-centric exurbs of ...
Remaking Metropolis examines examples of both urban decay and destruction as well as urban rebirth. It shows why particular approaches were successful, or did ...
What influence do new media have on active participation and involvement in the city? How can planning be democratically legitimized? What are the challenges ...