A completamento del viaggio di Frugoni nella Pittura, l'Architettura e la Scultura d'Italia, questo libro, riccamente illustrato, conduce il lettore nella storia della città ...
First published in 2017 in conjunction with an exhibition at the Pavillon de l'Arsenal in Paris, this widely praised and much sought-after book becomes ...
Between 1919 and 1940, Kaunas served as Lithuania's temporary capital, triggering a massive boom in construction that greatly increased its urban area. For this ...
How does architecture mediate urban transformation? Hannes Frykholm's doctorial thesis from KTH Royal Institute of Technology speculates on the possibilities for re-imagining the border ...
Este livro, publicado pela Docomomo International e pela editora Circo de Ideias, com autoria de Ana Tostões, propoe pensar a cidade moderna de Lisboa ...
This book presents Rahul Mehrotra's writings over the last thirty years and illustrates his long-term engagement with and analysis of urbanism in India. This ...
Architecture in the Middle East Building Sharjah reveals how modern architecture unfurled across the United Arab Emirates' third-largest city. An oil discovery in 1972 ...
ReciprociUdad: Design Diplomacy in Seville contains a perspective developed between Carlos Tapia and I through our symposium held in Seville in 2020. The overall ...
Tokyo's seemingly endless sea of buildings has grown incrementally over the past centuries, leading to an urban condition that is both coherent and contradictory ...
El embovedado del Darro, primero, y la apertura de la Gran Vía de Colón, posteriormente, fueron los principales proyectos de modernización urbana llevados a ...
Drawing on architecture, performance art, history and visual theory, In Search of African American Space explores the creative relationship between the African diaspora and ...
n its second edition, the Seoul Biennale of Architecture and Urbanism establishes a global platform in order to study new collaborations and models, exchange ...
Este libro profundiza en la forma de los entornos urbanos residenciales construidos durante el siglo XX, a través del análisis de sus características espaciales. ...
Bringing together essays and architectural projects that discuss housing as a key component in the social and urban development of the Ethiopian capital, which ...
The Metaphysical City examines the metaphorical existence of the city as an entity to further understand its significance on urban planning and geography. It ...
Hoy, en pleno siglo XXI, la tecnología permite «viajar» virtualmente por lejanas ciudades y fascinarse ante las reproducciones urbanas de la era digital. No ...