GA Document presents the finest in international design, focusing on architecture that expresses our time and striving to record the history of contemporary architecture. ...
This instalment investigates two main themes: 'Live/Work Hybrids' and 'Recovering Wood'. In the first, seven small office projects are examined that raise questions about ...
Este numero le dedicamos una especial atención al Congreso Mundial de Edificación Sostenible WorldSB14, organizado por GBCe. Se trata de la primera vez que ...
From the 1930s, Olivetti, the manufacturer of business products, was widely regarded as the pioneer of corporate architecture. During the 1990s, the concept became ...
Terry Farrell is one of the world's leading urban designers and one of Britain's foremost architects. He has worked on high-profile building schemes and ...
Visitor centres are in the spotlight in this edition, which opens with Silvio Cartas essay, 'Territory, Beauty and Monument, and features four exemplary projects: ...
Offices should provide the atmosphere of encouraging creativity and staff energy. Fall in Love with Office features 43 projects from a variety of practices ...
-Kiosc, Woods Bagot -Sede MRW, Nomen Arquitectes -Vivienda para tres heramnas, Blancafort-Reus -La Tabacalera, Ayuntamiento de Tarragona -Lucernario Novartis, Onys Solar -El jardín de ...
Arquitectura e Interiorismo Laboratorio de Alta Tensión. Mungía, Vizcaya. Estudio ACXT Arquitectos Reforma y ampliación de la Manzana Vilanova para la Sede de Endesa. ...
AN INDIAN JOURNEY Share on facebookShare on googleShare on diggShare on meneameShare on redditShare on twitterShare on stumbleuponShare on deliciousShare on email PASAJE A ...
La arquitectura ha convertido la identidad de las empresas y la imagen corporativa en una realidad tridimensional. Los proyectos seleccionados para esta obra muestran ...
Clever and sometimes even breathtaking, these new spaces promote new forms of work, creativity, and collaboration. The way we work is currently undergoing fundamental ...
This issue is divided across three themes: 'Minor Works', 'Civic Engagement' and 'Virtuous Urban Pieces'. In the first, Alison Killing looks at eight workspaces ...