The first handbook on reclaimed wood, combining useful information, rich history, and design ideas Wood reclaimed from old houses, factories, barns, water tanks, and ...
Fast-growing and local to some of the poorest communities in the tropics and subtropics, bamboo holds huge potential for climate change mitigation, innovative construction ...
Traditional Japanese carpentry is known throughout the world for the skill of its craftsmen. a+u 19:02 explores architecture built using traditional Japanese tools and ...
La madera reciclada de palés es un material versátil, asequible y de infi nitas posibilidades. Nikkita Palmer y Billy Barker te invitan a descubrirlo ...
SNØHETTA Geografías voluntarias Dossier: Madera estructural Actualidad / News Luis Fernández-Galiano La belleza imperfecta Imperfect Beauty Focho: Retorno y partida Le Corbusier, Pelli Cornisa ...
Ongoing urbanisation requires rapid, low-emission construction methods. Architects, investors and politicians are on the hunt for housing solutions that are fast and cost-effective, yet ...
Advances in the materials and the digitalization of architecture bring about new methods in design and construction. Whereas traditional timber construction consists of pre-cut ...
Este libro selecciona 31 de los arquitectos contemporáneos más relevantes de la esfera internacional que utilizan este material tradicional de modos novedosos e inspiradores. ...
Highly illustrated with drawings, graphs and sizing tables, enabling designers to make the most efficient choices.Structural timber elements: a pre-scheme design guide 2nd edition ...
Timber: the old raw material and building material returns. Based on 24 international projects, the book provides an overview of the range of possibilities ...
Este libro constituye un manual para la identificación de maderas en bienes culturales europeos, donde la teoría y los ejemplos prácticos que se brindan, ...
Análisi del ciclo de vida y ejemplos de usos, procesos y acabados.La necesidad de reducir sustancialmente nuestro impacto en el planeta debe traducirse en ...
This book explores the socio-cultural and the tectonic aspects of Kerala's wooden architecture, which is deeply rooted in religious and secular customs and shaped ...
Health and environmental compatibility are key topics in contemporary society. The book shows how the built environment can be aesthetically pleasing, modern and, at ...