In this project, photographer Andreas Rost, for the first time, explores the Université des Sciences et de la Technologie Houari Boumediene - a university ...
GA Houses' documents outstanding new residential architecture from all over the world. Included in each issue also are retrospective looks at residential works of ...
Muchas palabras vienen inmediatamente a la mente cuando se habla de la arquitectura de Marc Barani: rigor, sencillez, eficiencia, potencia, arcaísmo, respeto por el ...
This volume provides an overview of contemporary realized projects. Their selecion presents the many faces of concrete and he breadth of design possibilities of ...
Este libro está dirigido a estudiantes universitarios con laasignatura de construcción de estructuras de hormigón armado, y también aconstructores, jefes de obra y técnicos ...
Concrete´s multifaceted nature has made it very popular today with planners and builders. Besides the enormous potential inherent in its load-bearing capacity, the material ...
CASAS IBÉRICAS Cinco manifiestos domésticos Dossier: Hormigón Actualidad Un nuevo aeropuerto de Foster Gehry inaugura en París Koolhaas: Garage moscovita Estambul en peligro Ana ...
This second edition of Concrete Pavement Design, Construction, and Performance provides a solid foundation for pavement engineers seeking relevant and applicable design and construction ...
El presente manual desarrolla el contenido del módulo formativo MF0869_1: Pastas, morteros, adhesivos y hormigones. Se trata de una formación transversal recogida en diversos ...
Although largely marginal within official accounts of modern architecture, during the second half of the twentieth century the development of large concrete panel systems ...
Bearing in mind that reinforced concrete is a key component in a majority of built environment structures, Concrete Buildings in Seismic Regions combines the ...
El libro comprende una amplia recopilación de detalles contructivos y perspectivas para facilitar el estudio y la comprensión del alumno. Estructuración dividida en 11 ...
El comportamiento de una estructura de hormigón está caracterizado en mayor o menor medida por la fisuración del material una vez superada su resistencia ...
This document aims to provide a basic understanding of the complex set of phenomena governing durability and long-term performance of concrete structures and how ...
Precast reinforced and prestressed concrete frames provide a high-strength, stable, durable and robust solution for any multi-storey structure, and are widely regarded as a ...
Starting with the receipt of materials and continuing all the way through to the final completion of the construction phase, Concrete and Steel Construction: ...
Comprehensive, up-to-date coverage of the properties, behavior, and technology of concrete Fully revised to include the latest advances in concrete technology, Concrete: Microstructure, Properties, ...