El Diccionario de mecánica y estructuras metálicas es una obra de referencia útil y rigurosa, una herramienta de consulta actualizada en el sector de ...
In this book A10 presents an overview of the latest European architecture, with an extensive selection of twenty projects previously featured in the magazine. ...
La relación perfecta entre contenido y formato. Un diccionario pequeño y fácil de manejar, ideal para utilizar como diccionario de viaje.28.000 entradas y 45.000 ...
The Flanders Architectural Yearbook 2006-2007, published by the Flemish Architecture Institute (VAi), is your guide to the architectural landscape of the last two years. ...
This new volume, which draws on an international selection of entries from a great number of countries, testifies to innovation in the planning and ...
Skira presents the first-ever architecture yearbook to take stock of global architecture. Although there are several national yearbooks, such as the Dutch Yearbook, Riba ...
Ciencia y arte, tradición e investigación en las técnicas de conservación y restauración, en un completo diccionario que recoge voces técnicas y expresiones habituales ...
This year's edition of the highly successful Architecture in the Netherlands publication is the last issue of the yearbook that will be compiled by ...
Expone exhaustivamente la terminología científica y técnica relacionada con máquinas-herramientas, minas, motores ce combustión radiocomunicación, obras públicas, comercio... No solo ofrece la equivalencia en ...