Young People and Housing brings together new research exploring the economic, social, and cultural challenges that face young people in search of permanent housing. ...
The Affordable Housing Reader brings together classic works and contemporary writing on the themes and debates that have animated the field of affordable housing ...
Eludiendo las vulgares mansiones kitsch en que suelen habitar las estrellas, Adam Bresnick escoge unas cuantas casas de reconocidos divos que fueron diseñadas por ...
The shop/house - the building combining commercial/retail uses and dwellings - appears over many periods of history in most cities in the world. This ...
Candide is a peer-reviewed journal dedicated to exploring the culture of knowledge specific to architecture. In this fifth issue of Candide, rather than one ...
When it was completed in 1911, the Goldman & Salatsch Building in Vienna, commonly known as the Looshaus, incited controversy for its austerity and ...
Interior design, as a relatively young discipline within the academic world of design, has historically been interpreted as an extension of other fine arts. ...
Il complesso tema della progettazione della casa e degli insediamenti residenziali. Risultato di una ricerca nazionale cui hanno partecipato unità di ricerca di Milano, ...
La posibilidad de una arquitectura estrictamente funcional, aceptada en las primeras décadas del siglo XX, procede del siguiente argumento: en arquitectura, como en la ...
En cualquiera de los libros o manuales sobre la historia de la arquitectura moderna encontramos un nutrido número de páginas dedicadas a las vanguardias ...
Questo volume - primo della collana Casamiller - è dedicato alla "stanza", unità elementare, ma completa, dell'architettura, in cui siamo immersi e che addirittura ...
Pensar a Casa", uma publicação que inclui as três conferências organizadas pela CASA DA ARQUITECTURA em Junho de 2009, quando esta associação inaugurou a ...
This publication is a reflection and MIDTERM MANUAL for ongoing artistic and design research and activities for Users Manual: The Grand Domestic Revolution. Features ...