Computer-aided design (CAD) technology has already changed the practice of architecture, and it has the potential to change it even more radically. With Architecture's ...
Volume 9 in an ongoing series of monographs, each issue presenting in detail the work of established or emerging contemporary architects and architectural practices. ...
Kunst-und-Bau-Aufträge sind ein wichtiges Mittel der Kunstförderung im öffentlichen Raum. Sie bieten Kunstschaffenden die Möglichkeit, Projekte in einem konkreten architektonischen Raum außerhalb des Museums ...
With Me++ the author of City of Bits and e-topia completes an informal trilogy examining the ramifications of information technology in everyday life. William ...
This book takes a look at the most recent architectonic developments in the Mediterranean countries, where architects have up to now been strongly influenced ...
In 2003, the jury which comprised Greg Lynn, William Mitchell (MIT), Gerhard Schmitt (Swiss Federal Institute of Technology), Nobuyuki Yoshida, (A+U), Birger Sevaldson (Ocean-north) ...
If illustration fuels the transition of dreams into reality, then the computer has provided rocket fuel. Ink drawings drawn by hand over wire frame ...
Not only transforming the everyday material reality of how we live and work, digital technologies are also fundamentally altering such disciplines as architecture. This ...
El libro unifica las contribuciones teóricas y artísticas realizadas por arquitectos y especialistas sobre el tema del espacio como límite en la arquitectura.