- EAN: 8436587510632
- ISBN: 8436587510632
- Editorial: BEAMALEVICH
- Año de la edición: 2021
- Encuadernación: CAJA
- Páginas: 0
- Materias:
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Minipuzzle of Gaudi's NYC Hotel Attraction sketches Interactive, demanding, and fun, a puzzle is an exercise for your creative muscle that puts in practice various skills at once. Use your spatial vision, organizational skills, and bare talent, in a constructive off-screen activity. With a pinch of culture, the MiniPuzzle Collection adds a historical landmark or an architecture movement that either was never built in real life, or had an impact on the architecture of the XX century. You are to compose a unique and not very spoken of building: the Hotel Attraction NYC by Antoni Gaudi. With a Sagrada Familia feel to it, this ahead-of-its-time skyscraper was supposedly commissioned to the architect by two unknown American businessman and was to be 360 meters tall! But the question here is can you assemble its smaller, 50-piece puzzle version in under 20 minutes?