- EAN: 9788494752322
- ISBN: 978-84-947523-2-2
- Editorial: DPR- BARCELONA
- Año de la edición: 2017
- Encuadernación: Rústica
- Páginas: 288
- Materias:
graduation, student projects
urban planning
city. theory and criticism
urban planning projects
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Both a learning platform and a pedagogical experiment, Urban School Ruhr is built upon the foundational belief that experts and amateurs can, together, build a space of critical exchange and knowledge transfer. USR prioritises exchange and dialogue that is not necessarily attached to specific outcomes, results or interventions in built reality, instead understanding conversation as the first step to co-producing cities. Explorations in Urban Practice, the first edition in the Urban School Ruhr Series, draws from and reflects upon USR's experiences to date whilst also looking to the future of urban practice in contemporary cities. The book presents the reader with key current questions in the field: how can we learn city making? How should we understand the political concept of commoning for this purpose? And how can we discuss intervention as a strategy for enacting urban change?